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Master of Public Health, American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine

Holistic Medicine and Acupuncture
9 Professional Circle, Suite 212, Colts Neck, NJ 07722
(732) 780-1155 | ask@holisticmdwendy.com


Make an Appointment


We'll show you a list of available appointments. You choose a time convenient for you, and a deposit secures your appointment. You should receive a confirmation email containing the link to download information forms from the office shortly. We'll send you a reminder the day before your appointment with Dr. Huang.

Please note that your appointment can not be rescheduled or canceled within 48 hours of the visit.

The link to our telemedicine site is https://doxy.me/drwendyh.


Initial Visit (50 Minutes)

If you are a first-tme patient or if you haven't seen Dr. Huang for the past 2 years, please schedule a 50-minute appointment ($480.00). This visit will include initial evaluation, ordering diagnostic test and treatment plan. We apologize, but we cannot accept patients with Medicare insurance, even if they choose to pay by themselves due to Medicare regulations.

Please fill out these forms before you come in: http://www.holisticmdwendy.com/PatientInfo.pdf.

Regular Visit (25 Minutes)

If you've seen Dr. Huang within the past two years, please schedule a 25-minute appointment ($240).


Please book your appointment here.


COVID-19 Alert:

The health and well-being of our patients have always been our top priority and we understand the growing concerns around the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. We will remain open to serving you while taking the necessary steps to protect you and me from contagion. If you are ill with symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea, or if you have been in contact with a known COVID-19 person or traveled to a high-risk zone, DO NOT enter the office. Please contact your PMD or local emergency room if you have the above symptoms.

You know we always schedule patients apart and keep a strict time schedule to minimize patients in the waiting room. Please come on time as your appointment will be finished on time even if you are late.

If you are concerned about the coronavirus or any other reason and can not come in at your regular visit, please make an appointment on the website and email me the phone number the morning of your appointment.  I will call you at the appointment time and do a phone visit. If you need me to contact your pharmacy afterward, please have their fax number ready before the visit.

If you want to try our new telemedicine, please click https://doxy.me/drwendyh 10 minutes before our appointment time and you will be in my virtual waiting room.  Please make sure your camera and microphone work so we can do a video call. It works better with Chrome or Firefox on your computer, or you can use your cell. If it doesn't work, we will do a phone consultation.

You do need to make an appointment at your regular follow-up time.  

Please follow CDC recommendations for all COVID-19 guidelines.


Welcome to my wait-free waiting room!

Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment (to leave some buffer against traffic). The patient information forms can be downloaded from a link sent with the confirmation email from the office when you made your appointment, or found here: http://www.holisticmdwendy.com/PatientInfo.pdf. Please fill out your paperwork before you come. The forms will also be on the waiting room table if you can't download or print them. If your paperwork is ready ahead of time, I will be able to see you when your appointment starts, and you won't waste any time waiting. Conversely, if you arrive late, I cannot extend your appointment, since the next patient will be waiting.

One of the greatest frustrations during my 21 years of pediatric practice is the time that patients wasted in my waiting room. Every few days, a patient comes in 15 minutes late. My whole staff and I would lose 15 minutes right there, and every subsequent patient waits an extra 15 minutes. If another patient came in 15 minutes late, there would be a 30-minute wait for every subsequent patient. It's unfair and inefficient to waste everyone's time this way.

In my new practice, you will not waste your time. I ask each patient to commit to the appointment time by putting down a deposit in advance. For example, if you make an appointment for a 2pm initial consultation, you will get your full 50 minutes with me if you get to the office before 2pm. If you come in late at 2:20pm, your session will still end at 2:50pm, without refund. This is the only way I can guarantee that if you arrive on-time, I will see you on-time. Just plan to come in 10-15 minutes before your appointment to give yourself some cushion against traffic jams or other unforeseeable situations. You will enjoy your office visit and it will be like a breeze!


Office hours

These are our usual hours, but please follow the links above for an appointment.


Monday 10 am - 1 pm
Tuesday 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm
Thursday 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm




Fees must be prepaid online. We do not participate in any health insurance plans. We are happy to provide you with a claim form to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Cancellations within 48 hours receive no refund.


“I struggled in College with anxiety and depression; I didn't want anything to do with anybody or anything. I just wanted to sleep all day and stay indoors so I didn't have to talk to anyone. I forced myself to move home because I was miserable, and I obviously wasn't doing what I was supposed to at college. When I returned home I met with Dr. Huang and she counseled me on how to cleanse my body and I received acupuncture treatments once a week. The results were amazing! After the first treatment, I had already felt relaxed and as if a huge weight of negative energy had left my body. It made me desperately want to get back to my old self. I received about 4 or 5 acupuncture treatments last summer, it was pain-free and actually very relaxing. Since then I have come a long way, and I would recommend acupuncture to anyone. Acupuncture is natural and pain-free with amazing results. I don't know where I would be if I haven't had the help of Dr. Huang.”

Kylene Krscnski, 23